The DC Food Project works with schools and several other organizations to raise funds that are directly going towards getting food to the kids who need it
The DC Food Project works with schools and several other organizations to raise funds that are directly going towards getting food to the kids who need it
Columbia Heights has begun the school year strong with in person options for all grade levels.
With the school year fully in swing, many local parents are struggling to implement distance learning at home.
With the new school year set to begin, Columbia Heights families express frustration and navigate new challenges.
It’s still chilly outside but it’s already time to get ready for summer camp! Registration for D.C.’s Department of Parks and Recreation Summer Camp begins Monday, February 24 at noon. Residents outside of D.C. can register on Monday, March 23. For more information and online registration, visit https://dpr.dc.gov/service/summer-camps 2020 Registration Schedule: Summer Camp Registration…
Mark your calendars — Monday, October 21st, 7:00 – 9:00PM (at District Bridges Office, 3400 11th Street) to discuss safety of our youth in our schools and out of them.Several guests will be there to share their work and experiences with the community, so please join us in listening and discussing this important topic! Click…
Monday, August 26th marks the official start of the new school year for DC. Join the Ward 1 community for one last summer hooray at the Sixth Annual Parkwood Place Back 2 School Block Party this Saturday from Noon to 8 PM. Check out the fb eventor the flyer below for details …
Powell Bilingual Elementary School on Upshur is a school that serves a lot of kids in our area, and they’re having a spring carnival and fundraiser this Saturday at the Roosevelt High School football field. There will be a lot of games and fun for kids, plus grilling, and snacks from Annie’s Ace Hardware, performances,…
This is pretty awesome: DC SCORES, the great local literacy and sports nonprofit for kids, is helping send nine young women from our area to Russia as Team USA for the Street Child World Cup. The event happens before the World Cup, and the Team USA kids are all DC SCORES participants. The Street Child…
It is important to be chic. I love the 2000s because everyone started to love haute couture. I always say: To be well dressed you must be well naked. I am never satisfied with myself and that is what keeps me going – I have no post-satisfaction. The difference between style and fashion is quality.…