Uptowner Cafe space in the Tivoli to be a Verizon Wireless store

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Well, this is a little disappointing. The space that used to be the Uptowner Cafe, a pretty tasty deli just north of Z-Burger in the Tivoli, will soon be a Verizon Wireless store.

The storefront has been empty for about since six months since they closed, and I had been hoping for something more interesting — another restaurant, a neat store or something. But unfortunately we get the most boring of all retail, a cell phone store. Which is kind of ridiculous with a Best Buy, or Radio Shack or Target and any number of other places to buy phones and accessories within a block.

I guess those kinds of places, along with banks, are reliable tenants for landlords, but real snoozefests for local residents. They don’t really add anything to the neighborhood.

The Uptowner was a pretty tasty spot too, they had good breakfast sandwiches and the deli sandwiches where they cut slices of freshly roasted turkey, beef or ham.

The permit is hard to read, but basically it says buildout for a Verizon Wireless store.


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