Open Streets DC Recap

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What an awesome event The District of Columbia’s Open Streets was on October 2nd and we had so much fun! We can’t wait for next year and all that it will bring!

What were some of the highlights for you? How about our car-free streets? Did you break out the bicycles, roller blades or scooters for the family? Did you experience the fresh air and vibes with child-like joy? Maybe you grabbed a bite with your friends and family at any one of Georgia Avenue’s businesses! Whatever the highlight was of the event for you, we’d love to hear about it and see you back next year!

We were busy encouraging environmental awareness and low-stress, high energy events with dance moves to the beat of La Marvela’s All-Woman Columbian Music Band Performance, teaching skating safety skills at our Skate DC’s Learn to Skate Clinic, and promoting relaxation with Yoga Heights’ Flow Yoga Fitness Class! But we also took a few minutes to take it all in and visualize what streets for people, everywhere, all the time looks like. And, we want it to happen again, and again, year after year!

If you feel the same way, be sure to let Mayor Muriel Bowser know how great the event was and that you want more to follow.  Email the Mayor’s Office to share your favorite moment of the day or answer her call on Twitter. Feel free to personalize your message to the Mayor and share with her your favorite part of Open Streets 2021!


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