Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service is this Monday and if you are looking for an opportunity to give back to your community, stop by the Ward 1 Tutoring & Mentoring Volunteer Fair this Saturday!
From ANC1A Commissioner Miller:
Two out of three DC students are reading below grade level and while we are seeing improvement, there is still a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done to help students master these skills. Beyond reading, there are many other needs our students face that aren’t just academic and that can be better met through one-on-one engagement with a supportive, consistent, and trusted adult.
I am inspired by the energy and willingness of all of the residents I meet who want to volunteer, and I am confident we can reverse this trend. If only 5-10% of adults get involved, we can transform the lives of many kids in our community; and with more individualized support, we will make a difference that will empower our young people to become the next generation of engaged citizens and future leaders.
I hope you’ll join us this Saturday, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM at the GALA Theatre for a Ward 1 Tutoring & Mentoring Recruitment Fair. You’ll meet some of our amazing community partners as well as learn more about the many ways YOU can support their work and improve the lives of the youth in our community!
Ready to Serve?
Be a Tutor or Mentor: A Small Investment of Your Time Today Will Enrich a Child for a Lifetime
Saturday, January 18th, 2020
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
GALA Theatre
In 2018, the DCist reported that only a third of all DC students were proficient in English and math, and the achievement gap between white and black students persists, despite small improvements. Organizations like the DC Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative help recruit volunteers and connect them to the right partner organization – from the Homeless Children’s Playtime Project to College Bound and more than forty other partner organizations.
Learn more about how you can help by visiting or by joining us at the fair on Saturday!