You’ve seen it before: the looks in tourists’ eyes or on the freshly landed transplants – the look of summing up what Columbia Heights is before they have even seen everything. But how could they really know what our neighborhood has to offer? They don’t live here; they don’t see the daily beauty of Columbia Heights. They don’t know our neighbors or our local hotspots. So, after months of research, the students at 826DC decided to write “Birds, Swirls, and Power Lines.”
Whether or not you experience Columbia Heights the way that these young authors do, their perspectives are important. This is their neighborhood, and these are the parts of it that they chose to share with you.
826DC is a literary nonprofit that offers free writing programs, homework help, and publishing opportunities for DC students from ages 6 to 18. 826DC is part of a more extensive youth writing network that initially started in San Francisco but has grown across the country. It began in 2010. Those in the neighborhood may remember that they were initially at the Museum of Unnatural History — where the &Pizza currently resides. However, in 2015, 826DC moved across the street to the historic Tivoli Theater. Their storefront is now Tivoli’s Astounding Magic Supply Company.
By offering students a place to come together, 826DC is a community hub for students to process their thoughts and feelings and hone their writing skills. 826DC recognizes that talented writing comes when you find your own voice. “Birds, Swirls, and Power Lines” has given a platform to the young writers in our community to express those thoughts and feelings surrounding Columbia Heights. As Andrea Nelson, Director of Education at 826DC, puts it, “this collection balances seriousness and humor as these young authors take a keen look at the past, present, and future of Columbia Heights.”
826DC hopes that Columbia Heights residents will connect with these students’ writings. Sarah Richman, 826DC’s Development & Communications Manager, puts it this way, “whether or not you experience Columbia Heights the way that these young authors do, their perspectives are important. This is their neighborhood, and these are the parts of it that they chose to share with you.”

If you are interested in learning more about “Birds, Swirls, and Power Lines,” you can order a copy from Tivoli’s Astounding Magic Supply Company online. Like anything else purchased from Tivoli’s Astounding Magic Supply Company, you will be supporting 826DC and keeping it free and accessible to all students.
826DC is also always looking for volunteers to help teach students how to further hone their writing skills. For more information, be sure to click here for further details.