Honoring Our Veterans

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You already know why Veterans Day is important. You are the service members, veterans or family and friends of veterans who fearlessly and selflessly have served our country and today we honor and respect you! 

Veterans Day began as a day to reflect upon and appreciate the heroism of those who died in our country’s service and was originally called Armistice Day. It fell on Nov. 11th because that is the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I. However, in 1954, the holiday was changed to “Veterans Day” in order to show respect for all veterans in all wars.

It takes a special person to go bravely into places most of us never even imagine going but our veterans have done just that for the sake of and in defense of the freedoms we have today. 

Now more than ever we need to thank the people who willingly choose to put themselves in harm’s way to keep us safe. Whether it’s giving your time or simply a “thank you”, the smallest gesture can go a long way in a veteran’s life to let them know you’re thankful for all they’ve done.

A few things we can all do this Veterans Day are fly the flag. Fly the American flag today in honor of our veterans and If you need more information about when and how to display your flag, visit infoplease.com. Give a personal thank you! Call your dad, mom, friend, etc and personally thank them for their service. Lastly, don’t be shy about a public thank you. Write a Facebook post, send a tweet, post a picture on Instagram. Show your gratitude in a way that all can see! 


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