There’s a lot!
- 1011 Fairmont, Sunday from 9am-1pm: three people’s items, including Russian memorabilia, books, furniture, and more. Link
- 1702 Summit, Apt 207, in Adams Morgan/MtP, Saturday from 9am-noon: lots of furniture and some free stuff. Link
- 1776 Lanier in Adams Morgan, Sunday 9am-noon: furniture, clothes, baby stuff, etc. Link
- 1721 U Street, Sunday from 11am-4pm: modern furniture, electronics, clothes, much more. Link
- 1215 Park, Sunday from 10:30am-3pm: furniture, toys, clothes, decorations, etc. Link
- 535 Park, Sunday starting at 9 am: lots of office stuff, kitchen stuff, electronics. Link
Got any others? Put them in the comments.