Wonderland’s 12th Annual Sundress Festival and block party is May 1!

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The official beginning of Columbia Heights summer is almost here: Wonderland’s Sundress Fest. The fest, in its 12 year, lets anybody who wears a sundress get discounts all day long. They even have extras that you can put on, for men and women.

The event has gotten bigger over the years, so they’re closing down Kenyon Street between 11th and 13th for it for food trucks, bands, a beer tent and more. And around 4 pm there’s the Mr. and Miss Sundress Fest pageant.

The event also benefits DC Central Kitchen, so it’s a good reason to head down, check out the chest hair and enjoy a few drinks or a nice afternoon on the patio.

Here’s the Facebook invite for it. It’s always a blast.

Photos from Wonderland’s Facebook page


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