The holiday season is upon us, but it seems like Columbia Heights is not in the spirit this year. I haven’t seen many houses or businesses with decorations up, which is a shame.
To me, whether it’s Christmas, Hannukah (happy Hannukah, by the way,) Kwanzaa, Festivus or just generic winter stuff, it makes the neighborhood more fun, brighter and more friendly. Kids love them and a lot of big kids love them too.
And it doesn’t have to be expensive either: CVS, Annie’s Ace Hardware and Target all have inexpensive lights and garlands and such.
Maybe it’s the warm weather? The bad news in the media? I hope we aren’t just grinches. Let’s put up some decorations!
If you’ve spotted any good ones, let me know. I snapped the above picture at Le Caprice Bakery at 14th and Newton.