It’s been awhile since I’ve written a What We’re Missing post, where I find something I think the neighborhood could use. Past ones included a bookstore, child care, post office, thrift shop, and movie theater. The full list is here.
Then a few months ago I had an open-ended What We’re Missing post where commenters could propose their own. Looking back on it, it looks like a lot of the things people proposed are actually planned to open or already have: a sports bar (Meridian Pint), grocery store (Ellwood Thompson’s), 24-hour diner (IHOP), and coffee shops (Tynan and Columbia Heights Cofffee).
So what else do you think we need? There are definitely a lot of empty retail spots remaining on 14th, mostly in DCUSA and a bit south of the main intersection, like in the Columbia Uptown Apartments at 14th and Fairmont and the Lofts of Columbia Heights building at 14th and Girard (home of Dunkin Donuts). Some other things that have been proposed in the past are a pet store, veterinarian’s office, sushi spot, and yarn or cloth store. Any other ideas?