Watermelon vendor sets up at Georgia and Park on the weekends

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This is pretty awesome: it’s summer, which means watermelon season, and for the past few weekends there has been a man selling watermelons from the back of his truck on Georgia Avenue, just north of Park Road (in front of the laundromat, under a tree.)

I haven’t stopped yet to speak with him, but other folks who noticed it on Twitter are fans and say he’s really nice.

Love seeing this kind of thing — ice cream trucks, watermelons, food trucks, the ladies who sell taquitos and mangos, the coconut man at 14th and Spring, etc.

Then comes the important question with watermelon — salt or no salt?


About Author

Megan is the Managing Editor of Columbia Heights Insider, responsible for overseeing its content, marketing, and day-to-day operations. Megan lives in DC with her husband and daughter, and is passionate about supporting DC's local businesses. She loves exploring DC and enjoying a good gin cocktail.

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