I tweeted about this before, but thought it deserved a full post. On Saturday I was walking down 14th and noticed a car with a Vincent Orange sign parked illegally outside the 14th and Girard Street Park, there was some kind of event going on there. Ironically, the recording that was being broadcast from the loudspeaker, Blues Brothers-style, said “Vincent Orange favors aggressive enforcement of DC laws.” I guess parking is not included.
Orange is running for at-large city council against Patrick Mara, Bryan Weaver, Sekou Biddle, and Josh Lopez.
Vincent Orange is an ok guy, but I’m not going to vote for him — he’s basically a career politician, he was on the city council for ward 5 and ran for mayor, council chair, and pretty much everything else. He hasn’t been involved in major scandals, but he doesn’t seem to really do much either. Just sort of a status quo guy. Then again, I wish he would have won the council chair race instead of Kwame Brown.