You may remember the goofy videos I posted a few months ago: the music video filmed in the neighborhood with remote control cars and the Tom Petty Cabs, also with remote control cars and talking face cut-outs. And now the videos’ creator, Andy Rothwell, is at it again, with two new ones.
The two videos both feature the talking head cut-outs, one of Harrison Ford looking his wife featuring clips from The Fugitive, and the other of Axl Rose from Guns n’ Roses saying some not very PC things. Both were filmed around the neighborhood and in some surrounding places. Always like l amusing diversions like this on a Monday.
See below for the two, and note that the Axl Rose one has some bad language — Guns n’ Roses were not exactly family-friendly.
(And if you have any videos, music, art or anything else to share that’s about the neighborhood, let me know).