Today is Giving Tuesday — and DC SCORES could use your help with their youth sports and literature programs

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Giving Tuesday is here, a day encouraging people to give to charities and nonprofits, and one of my favorite local organizations is DC SCORES: they have soccer and poetry programs for students in the area, based at schools, and they’re really successful. Students do both, and often find they love poetry and writing as much as playing soccer with friends.

Since 1994 they’ve worked with over 8,000 local kids at 50 sites about the city, with 1,800 participating this year alone!

Their goal is to raise $20,000 — and a $5,000 prize for most raised — equipping over 700 kids with the essentials to play soccer, write poetry and experience TLC.

You can donate here! And here are a few suggestion donations:

$51: Teamwork gives a full soccer uniform for a boy and a girl; ask a friend to do the same!

$121: Leadership provides writing supplies for a school’s entire team of 32 poet-athletes.

$28: Commitment equips a kid for success with a soccer uniform, poetry journal and pencil.

Here’s more about DC SCORES:

DC SCORES has a team-based approach for providing youth with the arts, athletics, and academics that will engage and enrich their lives. DC SCORES builds teams through after-school programs for 1,800 low-income DC youth at 50 sites by instilling self- expression, physical fitness, and a sense of community. DC SCORES accomplishes this in an innovative model combining poetry and spoken word, soccer, and service-learning year-round. We have worked with over 8,000 students since our founding in 1994 and we aim to serve EVERY child in the District deserving of a team who does not have one.

Their Facebook has more info on today, too.

And if you have any other favorite local charities, let us know in the comments!


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