The Post says the city smells like weed: especially Columbia Heights

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The Post has an article about the city smelling like marijuana, and how most residents don’t really care. I’ve definitely smelled it from time to time around our neighborhood, and it does seem like now I smell it more — but I also wonder if some of that is bias that we’re looking for it more now that marijuana is (kind of) legal in the city.

In a Post poll, 57% of people say they smell it at least once a month, 45% of say they don’t mind while another 17% say it doesn’t bother them too much.

If you recall, the law is that you can have up to 2 ounces of marijuana, you can grow it for personal use (up to 6 plants, no more of which 3 can be mature), and you can give it away (again, just 1 ounce.) You have to be 21 or older, you can’t sell it, and you can’t use it in public. That last part, however, is not enforced much by the police — and that’s fine with me.

I’ve definitely experienced more weed smells than before — a couple of weeks ago, I was walking down Spring Road between 13th and 14th and smelled the strongest, funkiest, sticky-icky-ickiest weed smell I’ve ever smelled:

The Post quotes a few people who say they’re less discreet now, and a lot of their examples take place in our fair neighborhood.

It doesn’t really bother me, but then again, I voted for the law and actually volunteered at polling places for Initiative 63, a medical marijuana ballot initiative that passed in 2002 but was blocked by Republicans in Congress.

What do you think?  Ok with it, or not so much?


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