The Pope drives down U Street twice yesterday

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If you were around U Street yesterday afternoon or evening, you had a chance of seeing the Pope’s motorcade. He cruised by in the afternoon and then again around 7:30 pm, shown above.

Presumably the first trip was when he was going to or from St. Matthew’s Church in Dupont, which was followed by a Mass in Spanish at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Northeast.

For the second time, I happened to be on U Street last night around 7:30 and spotted a huge motorcade coming. Lots of people ran out to the sidewalk as an SUV with papal flags drove by, greeted by raucous spectators. I like the two high fiving dudes, personally.

He was headed west, presumably to the Vatican Embassy on Mass Ave where he’s staying, but who knows, maybe not? Maybe he was getting a nightcap at Stetson’s or Local 16, grabbing a jumbo slice, hitting Hana Japanese Market for some Pocky or going bar hopping up 18th Street?


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