A new neighborhood mural was just completed in the entrance of the 826DC’s Tivoli’s Astounding Magic Supply Costorefront on Park Rd & 14th. 826DC is a literary nonprofit, and purchases from their magic-themed store help keep all their writing programs and homework help 100% free for DC students.
Thanks to Sarah at 826DC for the tip!
“The new mural ties our mission in with magic and with symbols from Columbia Heights—be sure to check out my favorite one, the pigeon trying to blend in with the magician’s dove!
Other Columbia Heights tie-ins include the flower (just like the ones people sell over by the shopping mall), the bicycle (a nod to the bike racks), the green background color (for the green Metro line), and the white trim (inspired by the Tivoli Theater).”
The mural was done by local artist Kate Fleming, who has done several amazing public art pieces around the DMV.