Still got a Christmas tree? The city is collecting them through Jan. 23

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If you’re like me and don’t take your Christmas decorations down right after Dec. 25, you’re still in luck: the city is collecting Christmas trees and greenery from houses and at the Fort Totten dump until January 23.

You need to take off ornaments and such, and place them where your regular trash and recycling are picked up. You can also bring them to the Fort Totten Transfer Station (a dump.)

If your trash is picked up from an alley, don’t put the trees on the street.

Here’s more info on what to do, including the address for the Fort Totten dump.

DPW Continues to Collect Holiday Trees, Greenery through
Sat., Jan. 23 

(WASHINGTON, DC) The DC Department of Public Works announced today that employees will continue to collect holiday trees and greenery through Saturday, January 23. Trees and greenery should be stripped of all lights, ornaments and tinsel and should not be put in plastic bags. Trees and greenery should be placed where the resident’s trash and recycling are collected. Residents also may bring their trees and greenery to the Ft. Totten Transfer Station*, weekdays between 1 pm and 5 pm and Saturdays between 8 am and 3 pm. 

Holiday trees and greenery are collected from DPW’s trash and recycling collection customers who live in single family homes or multi-unit buildings with no more than three units. Buildings with four or more living units or buildings with both residential and commercial uses are required to engage private haulers for their trash, recycling and other collections, such as holiday trees. 

Residents may call 311 to report uncollected trees and greenery. 

*Directions to Ft. Totten, 4900 John F. McCormack Drive, NE: Travel east on Irving Street, NW, turn left on Michigan Avenue, turn left on John F. McCormack Drive, NE and continue to the end of the street. Directions from additional locations can be found at


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