If you like sour beers, you have some new options. Upland Brewing, based in Bloomington, Indiana, is now distributing their brews in the area. I tried a few yesterday at a tasting event and enjoyed them.
They’re still working on getting them into local bars, but currently are selling them in bottles at D’vines on 14th Street and working on getting them into Lion’s Liquors on Georgia.
They’re also available on draft at Jack Rose and ChurchKey, not far from us.
They’re also doing a 20-tap takeover event at Jack Rose tonight and another on Thursday at RFD.
We tried five of their sours, from the lightest Iridescent to the dark Cursed Kettle, which was barrel-aged. I really enjoyed the Iridescent and the hopped Hopsynth, both of which would be really good warm weather beers, or with some cheese or a burger. I could see having a bottle on the porch. The Cursed Kettle and Black Prairie were also good, funkier and tasted stronger, even though all the beers are around 6% alcohol. They’d be tasty with some strongly flavored food, maybe a funky cheese or something rich.
Many are wood aged and the brewers talked about using 10-year old barrels that have their own strain of yeast to get them started, then finishing them in other barrels to impart different flavors.
In all, good stuff, and give them a look if you’re at D’vines.
(Also, if you’d be interested in writing a guest beer column for this blog, let me know!)