I’ve written a lot about how slow the buses are in the mornings in our area — I once calculated that it took me about 40 minutes to go two miles to downtown on the 14th Street bus, or just over two miles an hour. I could walk backwards faster.
There have been some proposals, like more express buses, but this is an interesting one — Dupont Circle ANC commish Kishan Putta has started a campaign for a dedicated bus lane on 16th Street. BeyondDC snapped this photo, which argues that 50% of all trips in the morning are on buses, so why not have a lane?
I’m no transportation expert, and I’m sure there would need to be studies, but still, worth a shot right?
How about you? Think it’s a good idea, or got any other suggestions? (I, for one, always think about riding my bike, but that’s not a possibility for everybody.)