Protected Bike Lanes Coming to 14th Street This Summer

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Bicyclists and bus riders in Columbia Heights could see a clearer 14th Street this summer with the addition of a new shared bike and bus lane.

D.C.’s Department of Transportation will implement a year-long shared lane demonstration project this summer along 14th Street between Euclid and Newton Streets NW, according to a February 20 letter from the department to ANC 1 commissioners and Ward 1 representatives.

DDOT will create a 12-foot-wide shared bus and bike lane on 14th Street between Euclid and Irving Streets NW by removing 64 parking spaces and combining the road space with existing bike lanes. The department plans to consolidate bus stops from one stop per block to a stop on every other block. DDOT will also remove and redesign the traffic island north of Park Road to improve safety.

Comments on the plan must be filed in writing by Thursday, April 2, 2020, with the District Department of Transportation, Raka Choudhury, Transit Delivery Division, 55 M Street SE Washington, DC 20003 or by email at For more information on the plan,



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