Progress on Sherman Avenue streetscape improvements

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I walked by Sherman Avenue the other day and noticed that the improvements are underway. Here at Sherman and Euclid you can see they’ve done some work on the island, which will eventually look like the second image.

They’ve also fixed up some of the sidewalks, tree boxes, and drains, many of which were cracked and busted before.

Here’s the full rundown, which is all supposed to be finished in July, 2012:

  • Reconstruction of pavement between Barry Place and Park Road
  • Widening of sidewalks; new granite curbs and gutters where needed
  • Reconstruction of wheelchair ramps to comply with ADA requirements
  • Construction of a “Green” median with trees and low maintenance shrubs, ornamental grasses and perennials
  • Provide special higher visibility pedestrian crosswalks, new traffic signals and streetlights to improve pedestrian safety. The inclusion of curb bump-outs at intersections and the new median provide a shorter crossing distance for pedestrians
  • Utility upgrades include the installation of a new water main, service leads and meters
  • Streetscape features to include trash receptacles, bike racks, tree protection (fences)
  • Wider travel lanes “Sharrow” to allow room for bicyclists

DDOT has a website for the project so you can see more about it.


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