Playback the Tape found VHS show at Petworth Citizen tomorrow

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If you remember sitting around your house, recording your favorite shows or music videos (remember those?) on VHS tapes in the 80s and 90s, this sounds like a show for you. Playback the Tape comes to Petworth Citizen at 829Upshur on Tuesday at 8 pm.

The event features “Fluppy Dogs,” a 1-hour Disney cartoon apparently not shown since 1986, plus vintage commercials and more.

What is it, exactly?

playbackthetape gets behind unique events that might not happen otherwise. this includes a wide variety of worthwhile content, including our signature effort – the eponymous monthly VHS screening series in which we preserve, promote, and present a lighthearted feature-length touring show of curated videotape content, hosted by ace partner venues in washington, dc and beyond.  

our VHS shows are: (a) always all ages; (b) never a cover; (c) comprised largely of collected submissions.  

come and contribute, or just to explore!

Sounds awesome to me. 


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