Park View neighborhood cleanup on Georgia Ave. is this Saturday: free metal straws for volunteers!

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Georgia Avenue Thrive, the local nonprofit, has organized their next monthly cleanup for this Saturday at 10am at Georgia and Irving. Volunteers will help pick up trash and make the area look nicer — it’s a good way to meet your neighbors and help out. Here’s more from the organizers:

Hi friends, neighbors and community leaders — Georgia Avenue Thrive will hold its next cleanup at 10 a.m., Sat. Oct. 6 at the corner of Georgia Avenue and Irving Street.

Volunteers will receive a free stainless steel straws, thanks to our amazing partner District Bridges. We’ll also debut 10 new, top-notch trash pickers, thanks to a generous donation from DC Reynolds, a great friend of the community.

These cleanups have become a great success thanks to the promotional support of leaders like yourself. Thank you so much for spreading the word! (our flyer is attached.)

I hope to see you on the 6th!


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