North Columbia Heights Civic Association meeting tonight

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Meeting tonight: get there!

The next meeting of the NCHCA will be held on Wednesday, March 2, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. at the Park Triangle Community Room.  Enter the Park Triangle apartment complex on 1375 Kenyon Street NW (right next to the Columbia Heights Civic Plaza), and the doorman will direct you to the meeting spot.

The meeting’s guest speaker will be Akeya Dickson from the Washington Post’s Daily Gripe, to discuss how her blog can be an accountability tool for citizens to have their complaints answered by DC agencies.

This will be a planning meeting during which we (a) vote on proposed revisions to the NCHCA Constitution and Bi-Laws (follow the links to view the proposed versions … there are relatively few proposed changes, and you can see those proposed changes in all capital font in these documents), (b) discuss logistics for the upcoming Great Day of Service, and (c) begin planning our agenda for the rest of 2011.  If you have suggestions for projects you would like to see the NCHCA get involved in, particularly projects you are interested in taking an active role in planning, please drop by the meeting to discuss!  The more specific / realistic / discrete the project suggestion, the better …

On a side note, if you represent a community service organization and you wish to participate in the Great Day of Service, please contact


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