New York Times says 11th street in Columbia Heights is hip

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The New York Times says we’re hip. I just found this slide show on “Columbia Heights’ hip strip” — 11th Street, not 14th Street:

But while the blocks surrounding the Metro stop now feel something like a suburban mall, Washington’s hippest new strip has cropped up just a few blocks away: a cluster of independent businesses has revitalized a once-desolate stretch of 11th Street, where big box stores and chain restaurants give way to indie rock dance parties and guerrilla theater performances.

The slideshow contains Room 11, Wonderland, Meridian Pint and BloomBars (though oddly not Red Rocks or Columbia Heights Coffee.) Kind of cool that other people are taking notice of this strip. I sure like it.

They also had this little map. I suspect there will be a full article in the Sunday New York Times, since both things are dated 2/20/11.


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