New DCUSA business to be announced tomorrow?

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Just got a press release from the City Council that there will be an announcement tomorrow about “a major new development and the potential for 100 new jobs at DCUSA.” It doesn’t say what the new development is.

However, one of the people invited to the event is Tyoka Jackson, president of the family company that’s bringing the IHOP to the center, which I wrote about last week. So maybe this is just something confirming IHOP (and getting some more press for Jim Graham?), or could it be yet another business coming? Ellwood Thompons’s?

Here’s the full press release:

Council Member Jim Graham will announce a major new development and potential for 100 new jobs at DCUSA.

DCUSA is one of the greatest retail success stories in the city. The retail businesses located within the facility employ nearly 1,000 people. The vast majority are District residents.

“During this recession and anemic recovery, Ward One businesses have continued to thrive, and hire our residents,” Council Member Graham said. “Our newest partner is much anticipated, and will add to this great success by taking us over 1,000 jobs created at this one location.”

When: 10 a.m. September 8, 2010,

Who: Council Member Jim Graham

Council Member Kwame Brown

Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (invited)

David Stein, DCUSA Operations Director

Bob Moore, President Columbia Heights Development Corporation

Tyoka Jackson, President The Jackson Investment Company, L.L.C.

Where: DCUSA 3100 14th Street, NW – Irving Street Side


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