More complaints about Washington Sports Club: basketball courts taken over

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Recently got this from a reader: it’s the newest in a long series of complaints from neighborhood folks about the Washington Sports Club in DCUSA. If you recall, I’ve posted about how it’s crowded, there was an alleged robbery there that the security didn’t respond to, and lots of people have asked for recommendations for other clubs.

I know in the grand scheme of things, it’s really not a big deal…. but I am pretty annoyed.  Without consulting any of the regular hoops players or giving us a heads up, WSC-CH suddenly began scheduling group exercise classes, for every Saturday and Sunday, during what has traditionally been prime basketball usage time for casual players (10-noon or 10-1 on weekends, after that time, the gym gets so packed that it is difficult to even get on the court).  Most of the guys I showed up with today, expecting to play, are primarily members for the indoor court, and now the entire court is completely off limits for half of each weekend day.

There are a million things they could have done differently … lease the long-vacant space next door if they need more room, schedule these classes in the already-existing exercise rooms, schedule these classes for early morning (ending before 10) when the courts are rarely used, etc. etc.  Instead, per usual, they have zero regard for member service or even communicating / consulting with long-time gym regulars.  With WSC, it is always about squeezing as many dollars as possible out of as many members as possible, and never about making the member experience better, or heck, adequate.  Unfortunately, since it is the only gym and only indoor court in the area, they can get away with it. 

Doesn’t sound too fun. There are outdoor courts around, like 14th and Girard and the Columbia Heights Education Campus, but not any indoor ones I know of. Anyone have any suggestions for indoor courts? Or other gyms?


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