With all the big storms lately, it’s important to know more about how the city’s debris clearance works, how to get sandbags, and the like:
Residents Invited to Join Live, Hour-Long Session to Discuss Trash Preparation/Collection, Debris Clearing, and Sandbags
Department of Public Works (DPW) Solid Waste Management Administration will respond to residents’ questions regarding trash and debris collection and sandbag distribution during hurricane season on Wednesday, August 25, 2010, at 12:00 pm. DPW’s emergency preparedness officer also will provide tips and information to help keep residents safe and prevent water damage to their property
WHAT: DPW Live, One-Hour Chat to discuss Trash/Debris Collection, Sandbag Distribution and Emergency Tips During Summer Storms
WHEN: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 12:00-1:00 pm
WHERE: http://ddot.dc.gov/ddot/cwp/view,a,3,q,648287,ddotnav_gid,1586,ddotnav,%7C32397%7C.asp
This is the seventh in a series of monthly online chats with DPW Director William O. Howland, Jr. and other DPW officials. Future topics will address Household Hazardous Waste, leaf collection, snow, and other DPW operations.