Is Columbia Heights kid-friendly?

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Just received an email from a reader with a baby who is asking about the neighborhood’s kid-friendliness. I know there are events, like the Singing Lizard events at Sticky Fingers and things like parents’ happy hours at Wonderland, but no having a kid myself I don’t know for sure. Can those of you with kiddos say what you think in the comments? Here’s the email:

I see there a some real estate deals around DC USA. My wife and I don’t know to much about the neighborhood. We go there a few times a year to go to Target for our supplies or out to eat with friends.

We are primarily concerned with the safety of the neighborhood.  How safe is it for my wife and baby to walk around at night?  Is there a lot of young families in the area? Is the closet park to take kids to Meridian Hill?

One other concern we have which you mentioned on your blog is that one thing we love about DC is that its not the burbs and you have so many non chain options.  If we did move to C.H. it’s like we are moving into chain central.  It kind of turns us off and are nervous it would turn others off when we go to resale.

Your thoughts? I would assume it’s ok to walk around with your kid until maybe 10 pm, and depending on where you are, but again, I’m a guy and I don’t have a kid.

For more kid-related posts, check out my kids tag.


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