A local grad student is writing about Columbia Heights, and she needs your help. She has an anonymous online survey here and is hoping to get a lot of responses from local residents. Please take a look. Here’s her note from the South Columbia Heights listserve:
My name is Kara Hadge, and I’m a graduate student at Georgetown University in the Communication, Culture, & Technology program. For my master’s thesis, I’m studying local online media in Columbia Heights and their impact on community life in the neighborhood. As part of my study, I’m conducting a survey to see what blogs, list-servs, social media, and other news sources Columbia Heights residents follow to stay informed about the neighborhood. You can find the survey (which is short — only about 5 minutes!) at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/columbiaheightslistservs if you are interested in participating.
If you have any questions, you can contact me at kah87@georgetown.edu. All individual survey responses will be kept confidential, and no identifying information will published about any survey participants. Anyone under age 18 must have a parent’s permission to participate.
Thank you for your help! I’ll share my findings with you when the study is complete, and I hope they’ll provide you with some useful information on finding and spreading news to the Columbia Heights community.
Kara Hadge