Here’s a great way to help out the nonprofit Engineers without Borders: just eat out at Panera this evening!
The nonprofit “provides engineering expertise to tackle problems for communities in developing countries” and this fundraiser is for projects in Santa Clara, El Salvador.
To help, head to the Columbia Heights Panera today between 4 and 8 pm today and show them this flyer when you buy — you have to use the flyer! Panera will donate a portion of the proceeds to the project.
Here’s more from them:
EWB only works in communities where they are invited to work and focuses on sustainability by monitoring the project after completion, and using local materials, local input, and capacity building.
The money raised will support an assessment of the community’s needs and will be critical for determining our next steps. The chapter has established a successful drinking water system in the community and is also working on a clean cook stove.