There’s a lot of events this week, and the Georgia Avenue Community Development Task Force has compiled them here. Check it out — a hearing on the Bruce Monroe and Park Morton plans, food distribution, a holiday potluck and some community parties:
Monday December 5th & Thursday December 8th at 6:30pm: Bruce Monroe/Park Morton PUD Hearings
The Zoning Commission will hold hearings on the requested zoning changes for the Bruce Monroe Park on December 5th and on the Park Morton site on December 8th. You are welcome to testify at the hearing from 6:30-9:30 pm at 441 4th St NW (Jerrily R. Kress Memorial Hearing Room). The hearing is an opportunity for you to voice your views about the project. If you can’t testify in person, you can still voice your opinion by sending a letter to the Commission via email by Monday, Dec. 5 at 2:00 p.m.
Free Food Distribution – Monday December 5th & December 19th from 5-7
The Christ Embassy Church will host a food ministry at the Emergence Community Arts Collective – 733 Euclid St. NW on the first and third Mondays. Anyone is welcome to pick up an assortment of free fresh fruits and vegetables during these hours. RSVPs are helpful, but not required. Distribution will be first come, first served until the food runs out. To RSVP, contact Sylvia at (202) 462-2285 or We will also need volunteers to help with unloading and distribution from 4-7pm.
Wednesday December 7th: Park View UNC Holiday Pot Luck
Meet your neighbors, learn more about UNC activities and celebrate the close of 2016 from 7-8pm at the Park View Rec Center at Warder St. and Otis Pl. Bring a dish to share!
Pleasant Plains Holiday Party—Saturday December 10th
Join the Pleasant Plains Civic Association for the annual holiday party on Saturday December 10th at the Banneker Recreation Center from 12-2pm. For information or to RSVP, contact Darren Jones at or (202) 723-0119
Georgia Ave Holiday Party—Monday December 12th
The Georgia Avenue Community Development Task Force will host the Georgia Avenue Holiday Party at the ECAC—733 Euclid St. NW from 6:30—10:00pm featuring food from Georgia Avenue businesses, and DJ Dwayne B. Come by and eat, dance and meet your neighbors.