Georgia Avenue Thrive neighborhood meeting today at Colony Club, 7-8:30: beautification, murals, local business support, more

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Georgia Avenue Thrive, the local non-profit that does a lot work on and around Georgia Avenue, is hosting their monthly meeting today at Colony Club, the coffee shop at 3118 Georgia. There’s a lot on the agenda, come learn what’s new, how you can help, and how you can make your voice heard!

AGENDA – Monday, August 8, 7-8:30PM

1) Introductions

2) Placemaking Committee Update 

         * Movie night report back 
         * Fall Fest planning and volunteering

         * Neighborhood Mapping (tentative)

3) Beautification Committee Update
         * Murals 

         * Fireboxes
         * Next street clean-up

4) Local Biz Support Committee Update
         * Air BnB community engagement 

         * SB Works grants 

         * Main Streets update 

         * GACDTF Community Review Report Back

5) Police/Public Safety 

         * Referrals to other public safety groups: ANC 1a Public Safety Committee, 3D Citizen Advisory Council, PSA 302/304 monthly meetings, PSA 302/409 Border Quarterly meetings

6) Communications Committee Update

         * Online outreach
         * Offline outreach  

7) Announcements

         * Block Parties

         * Other?


About Author

Megan is the Managing Editor of Columbia Heights Insider, responsible for overseeing its content, marketing, and day-to-day operations. Megan lives in DC with her husband and daughter, and is passionate about supporting DC's local businesses. She loves exploring DC and enjoying a good gin cocktail.

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