Neat-sounding event for City Blossoms, a group that works with kids on gardening and nutrition. Click the flyer for a bigger version with all the details.
City Blossoms’
3rd Annual Proper Topper Garden Fiesta Fundraiser
Thursday, June 23, 2011
6:30-8:30 PM
In The Garden
Harvard & 11th Streets
Washington, DC 20009
Join us on June 23rd for the 3rd Annual City Blossom’s Proper Topper Garden Fiesta Fundraiser! Put on your best hats (homemade or store-bought) for a chance to win an infamous City Blossoms award (highly-sought-after) or even a membership to our Herb CSA. We will be enjoying delectable treats created by Chef James Forsythe, and some lucky friends will be leaving with dinner plans at delicious local restaurants, massages, and even original, personalized poems from our raffle!
To RSVP, email us at or search for City Blossoms on Facebook and visit our Events page. A donation of $15 at the gate supports our efforts of creating community green spaces with urban youth. We hope to see you for an enchanted evening of fun in the garden!