If you want to help out the Park View UNC, an active local neighborhood group, all you have to do is have a drink at DC Reynolds! Sounds easy to me. Here are the details:
REMINDER! Join the Park View United Neighborhood Coalition TONIGHT at DC Reynolds for our 3rd annual Buy One – Give One Happy Hour Fundraiser.
You can help the UNC, your local non-profit civic association, continue to work to improve our neighborhood, simply by coming out and having a drink with your friends and neighbors. All you have to do is:
1. Come to DC Reynolds (3628 Georgia Avenue NW)
2. Buy a drink from one of their friendly bartenders
3. The bartender will give you a receipt good for a 2nd drink. DON”T USE IT.
4. Drop your receipt in the jars provided on the bar. The UNC receives the value of your drink ticket!Hope to see many of you there!
The group hosts block parties, works with the police, organizes cleanups and a lot more.