Football season is upon us: where to watch in the neighborhood

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You may have noticed the Howard band practicing the last few days. That, plus the cooler weather, means football season is upon us.

There’s now a few good spots to watch college or NFL games in the neighborhood, thanks to Lou’s City Bar and the Blue Banana, our two sports bars.

Ruby Tuesday also has some TVs, as does The Heights if you want to go upscale, and Meridian Pint has big TVs downstairs. A little farther afield,  Ventnor Sports Cafe in Adams Morgan is a good bet.

In addition, Lou’s is one of the official University of Wisconsin alum bars in town, the other being Hamilton’s. They’ll have deals all season long: $4 Leinenkugel bottles, $3 Miller Lite drafts, and $3 Brats and Tots.

And if you want to avoid sports altogether, Wonderland doesn’t have a TV, while Red Derby and Looking Glass have one.

Any recommendations for football season in the neighborhood?


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