Explore these cool animated maps of traffic in Columbia Heights

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This is pretty neat: HotelsNearDCMetro.com put together a series of animated maps showing traffic in Columbia Heights during evening rush hour over the week. It’s interesting to see that it’s really never too good around the 14th and Irving area, then gets almost totally red towards 6 pm — I’ve definitely experienced that.

The site is founded by local residents Kate and Jeff Howard, who help folks find hotels near the Metro, as the name suggests. Good idea, especially for out of towers.

Might be a good reminder to use something other than a car — Metro, bus, bike or walk if you can.

(The videos say Columbia Heights, VA, but that’s definitely us!)


About Author

Megan is the Managing Editor of Columbia Heights Insider, responsible for overseeing its content, marketing, and day-to-day operations. Megan lives in DC with her husband and daughter, and is passionate about supporting DC's local businesses. She loves exploring DC and enjoying a good gin cocktail.

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