This is neat: Councilmember Brianne Nadeau is hosting what she’s calling a “Community Conversation” to talk about her legislative priorities and suggest policy ideas, coming up this Monday at Cardozo High School, 1200 Clifton Street NW. Sounds interesting.
Help Develop Policy Ideas at the Ward 1 Community Conversation
What: Ward 1 Community Conversation
Who: Ward 1 Councilmember Brianne K. Nadeau and her staff
When: Monday, March 20, 2017, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Where: Cardozo Education Campus (1200 Clifton St. NW)
Attendees will hear from Councilmember Nadeau about her priorities and join small group discussions with the Councilmember and her staff to provide feedback and policy ideas on pressing community issues including:
- Housing
- Education and Youth
- Public Health and Public Safety
- Homelessness and Human Services
- Economic Development
- Immigration
The ideas and conversations from the event will help guide the Councilmember’s legislative agenda for the coming year.
If you have any questions, please contact Councilmember Nadeau’s office at (202) 724-8181 or reach Claudia Barahona, Constituent Services Director, at