The Columbia Heights Street Booze game

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A commenter on the last Street Booze post wrote about this game, pretty funny stuff. Of course, you only win if you throw the items away.

Anonymous said:

My roommates and I have started a game that you can play while commuting to/from the CH metro: 1 point for every street booze-related mixer or insinuating drinking (arizona tall boy fruit punch cans, black liquor bags, etc), 2 points for beer(40’s, cans, bottles, 30 rack boxes, bottle caps, etc), 3 points for liquor (plastic vodka bottles, occasional patron bottle), and 4 points for witnessing someone in the act of street boozing, not on private property. So far I’ve gotten up to 14 points in 3 blocks. Try to beat me!

This sounds like fun, I’m going to try. I wonder which directions will have the most points? I’m guessing down Irving Street.


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