Columbia Heights Dog Park meeting on March 20, help with their mission statement

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If you have a dog (or just like them) read on. The Friends of the Columbia Heights Dog Park, a group working to improve the dog park at 11th and Park, are having their next meeting March 20th. They’re looking for ideas for improvements and for folks who can help.

The meeting is 7pm at Coffy Cafe, 3310 14th Street NW. Here’s the RSVP page.

They’re also looking for feedback on their mission statement, which they’ll vote on at the meeting. Here it is, and if you have feedback, send it to robynswirling (at) gmail [dot]com.

No word on whether Air Bud will be present.

The mission of Friends of Columbia Heights Dog Park is to beautify and maintain the Columbia Heights Dog Park as a safe and attractive place for dog owners, their pets, and the Columbia Heights community. Friends of Columbia Heights Dog Park collaborates with city and other agencies and with neighbors and community members to plan improvements and maintenance tasks, raise money and volunteer for park improvements, perform basic maintenance and upkeep, and establish and enforce operating rules and norms.


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