Columbia Heights Community Marketplace update

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The Columbia Heights Community Marketplace is tomorrow (9-2 on the Civic Plaza), and here’s an update on what’s going on:

I.  The CDC and National Center for Health Statistics is looking for volunteers over the age of 18 to assist with testing of questions that will be used in the future on a large-scale health survey.   Participants will answer a number of questions regarding sexual identity and education background, which will be followed up by a discussion with a staff member.  The interview will take approximately 90 minutes and participants will receive $50 dollars for their time.  We will be conducting interviews at a location in north Columbia Heights between June 13 – June 30 from 9am to 4pm. 

Staff members from the CDC will be at the Columbia Heights Community Marketplace this Saturday (June 11th), as well as the following Saturday (June 18th), to answer any questions and setup interview times for anyone who is interested in participating.  Interviews can also be scheduled by calling 301-458-4676. (The Marketplace takes place at the civic plaza at 14th Street and Park Road, NW every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.)

II. The Columbia Heights Community Marketplace is looking for a new board member. Please reply to within the next two weeks with information about yourself and why you are interested in being a member of the board of directors of the Marketplace, a 501c3 non-profit organization.
In addition, here's the full update, with all the farmers and events. There will be a bluegrass band at 10:30 am, and they'll be doubling food stamps and WIC as well.

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