City to add rush hour bus lane to 16th Street, convert S1 to express bus to relieve congestion

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This is a good news for those of us who use the bus: the city is recommending converting one lane of 16th Street to be bus-only during rush hour as well as converting the S1 bus to an express bus, like the S9, which makes much fewer stops and thus goes faster.

According to Greater Greater Washington, there will be a southbound bus lane from 7-10am and from 4:30-7:30pm it will be northbound. The lane goes from Spring Road to Lafayette Park.

According to ANC commissioner Zach Teutsch, buses carry more than half of the people on 16th Street, so this will help a lot.

Greater Greater Washington has more on the plans, which were part of the city’s MoveDC campaign to improve transportation in the area. GGW also had links to DDOT’s full presentation.

I hope they do something similar for 14th Street, those buses go so slow. Here’s what it will look like for the southbound version, same thing on northbound.

Photo by Elvert Barnes


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