Cheap beer alert: $6 Narragansett tall-boy 6-packs at D’Vines

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If you like beer, get yourself to D’Vines, the beer, wine and liquor store at 3103 14th Street NW: they have a super deal of a 6 pack of tallboys of Narragansett, a brew from Rhode Island, for only $6.

‘Gansett may not be a Belgian farmhouse brew, but it’s pretty tasty as cheap beer goes, and you can’t beat that price for 16 ounce beers.

The other day I stopped in and they had the lager (pictured) and the Narragansett shandy for a higher price. I also like the slogan: “made on honor, sold on merit.” I guess that’s the Rhody version of “from the land of pleasant living” on Natty Boh.

And even if you aren’t into cheap beer (for some reason!) they have a great selection of craft beer, wines and now craft liquors too. (Just beware if you’re buying craft rye, it might all be from the same place.) 


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