Capital Bikeshare to add and expand stations in Columbia Heights, Petworth

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Good news for Capital Bikeshare users: the District’s Department of Transportation and CaBi will be expanding some existing stations in our area and adding more over the next few years, they recently announced.

On their website, maps show about ten to twelve new stations in Columbia Heights, Park View and southern Petworth, and that means a ton more bikes in our area.

It’s a little hard to tell, but from north to south, the new stations coming in 2017 are roughly are at 14th and Randolph, 14th and Spring, 16th and Newton, 14th and Newton, Sherman and Park and Warder and Lamont, while new stations coming in 2016 are 16th and Irving, 14th and Irving, 14th and Euclid, 11th and Euclid and 16th and Belmont.

There are also plans to increase the size of existing stations at 14th and Harvard, 14th and Belmont, and 10th and U.

They’re taking comments until Nov. 10, so if you like the ideas or have concerns, let them know!

The maps are below, with more detailed locations for new stations and existing stations.


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