If you’re participating in Bike to Work Day, or just a regular bike commuter, our area has a stop for you: the Columbia Heights Civic Plaza at 14th/Park/Kenyon is an afternoon pit stop, from 4-7pm, which will have refreshments, entertainment and giveaways.
You should make sure to register first, but registration is free.
Here’s more info:
Bike to Work Day 2016
Free Annual Event Promotes Healthy, Clean, Low-Cost Alternative to Driving to Work
Commuter Connections and the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA)
Bike to Work Day 2016––Join more than 17,000 area commuters for a celebration of bicycling as a fun, healthy and environmentally-friendly way to get to work. A record-breaking number of cyclists are expected to participate again this year, so register now at www.biketoworkmetrodc.org.
Friday, May 20, starting at various early-morning times depending on pit stop location. Some locations are afternoon events. Locate specific start/end times for all pit stops at www.biketoworkmetrodc.org.
Register for free and visit one of 83 regional pit stops throughout Washington, D.C., and surrounding counties in Maryland and Virginia; enjoy refreshments and be entered in raffles for new bicycles. Cyclists must register for one pit stop but are welcome to visit any of the 83 pit stops along their way to work. Free event t-shirts will be available at pit stops for the first 15,000 registrants who attend.
Bicycle convoys – led by experienced bicycle commuters – will travel throughout the region. All levels of cyclists are welcome to join the convoys.
Bicycling to work is a healthy and cost-effective alternative to drive-alone commuting. Join Commuter Connections and WABA on Friday, May 20, for Bike to Work Day 2016. Ride with thousands of cyclists, new and experienced, and enjoy a healthy commute that helps improve traffic congestion and air quality in the Washington metropolitan region. There will be free t-shirts, snacks, beverages and prizes for registrants who attend, while supplies last.
For free registration and event details, visit www.biketoworkmetrodc.org. Follow Commuter Connections on Twitter at @BikeToWorkDay and use #BTWDC and #BTWD2016.
Commuter Connections is a program of the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. Commuter Connections promotes bicycling to work, ridesharing and other alternatives to drive-alone commuting, and provides ridematching for carpools and vanpools and offers the free Guaranteed Ride Home program. Commuter Connections is funded by the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia and U.S. Departments of Transportation. www.mwcog.org, www.commuterconnections.org.