Author Megan Flynn

Megan is the Managing Editor of Columbia Heights Insider, responsible for overseeing its content, marketing, and day-to-day operations. Megan lives in DC with her husband and daughter, and is passionate about supporting DC's local businesses. She loves exploring DC and enjoying a good gin cocktail.

Know your ANC candidates: ANC1A07

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the upcoming elections, including the important Advisory Neighborhood Commission, which advises the DC Council on local planning issues and de facto controls alcohol licenses, among other things. Only a few of the races have multiple candidates, and I wrote to those folks. Here’s the second installment for ANC 1A07,…

Know your ANC candidates: ANC1B01

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the upcoming elections, including the important Advisory Neighborhood Commission, which advises the DC Council on local planning issues and de facto controls alcohol licenses, among other things. Only a few of the races have multiple candidates, and I wrote to those folks. Here’s the first installment for…

Use Capital Bikeshare? Give them your feedback

If you’re a user of Capital Bikeshare, they want to hear from you. They just released their most recent member survey where they ask about your experience, where there should be more stations and bigger stations, why you ride and a lot more. Our area recently got some new stations at 14th and Girard and…

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