If you use Metro frequently, you’ve probably heard about WMATA’s SafeTrack plan to address long-standing maintenance and safety issues. The construction plan launches today, with long delays on the Orange and Silver lines due to single-tracking between East Falls Church and Ballston. Green, Yellow, Red and Blue are all spared this first phase, but it…
Author Andrew W

Columbia Heights is a fun place. Yesterday afternoon I spotted a man in thong and a fringed Bernie Sanders t-shirt dancing up a storm in the big sidewalk area outside the Heights restaurant. He had a boombox playing mostly 80s hits like “Take on Me” and “Footloose” and was waving a crucifix, spinning, jumping and…

Jimmy John’s, the popular sandwich chain, is now open on the Civic Plaza, the triangle plaza where 14th, Park and Kenyon meet. I saw a sign there yesterday saying “open tomorrow,” so go get your sandwiches! I’ve only been once or twice to one of their locations but I know some folks are big fans.…

I’m starting a new series here at the blog called Friday Five, where I talk about my five favorites right now. I’m going to start it with coffee shops, and future installments will be bars, stores, brunches, parks, and so on. So here goes, in no particular order! And let me know in the comments…

This looks like fun: the Columbia Heights Initiative has organized a movie night starting this coming Friday and running for four weeks at the Tubman School field, between 13th and 11th and Kenyon and Irving. The moves are family movies: Finding Nemo, Inside Out, Despicable Me and Minions. Doors open at 5:30 and the movie…

If you live in Columbia Heights, you’ve probably seem some close calls at 14th and Columbia, either drivers not looking or running a light or pedestrians or bikers doing something dumb. WTOP reports that the city is looking into its most dangerous intersections, and that one is the worst: more than 100 accidents in the…

This Thursday the city is hosting a meeting on the redevelopment plans for the old Hebrew Home site at 1125 Spring Rd NW. The building is currently empty, and plans may include senior housing, market rate housing, subsidized housing or some combination of those. Other people have suggested moving residents from the Park Morton complex…
This is a sad story: DJ Jordan of At Home Catering on Georgia recently wrote to Sylvia Robinson of the Georgia Avenue Business Alliance asking for help with a backpack and cell phone that was recently stolen out of his truck. The black backpack contained a lot of important items like blueprints for his building,…

I love Annie’s Ace Hardware on Upshur Street, but I wouldn’t think of looking for socks there. However, I was shopping today for some things and noticed four racks with a bunch of funny socks for men and women. I ended up getting a pair of ones that say “yo dude, you’re late” which is…

The DC pop-culture site Brightest Young Things has been making funny flowcharts on what you can do in various neighborhoods: last year they did one on Columbia Heights (do you want to dance? Are there vegans? Do you want tequila?) and now they’ve done one on Petworth, which also includes places in Park View and…