Author Andrew W

Attempted mugging by taser at 15th and Columbia

Just got this email from a reader. Scary stuff. A friend and I were walking to the Columbia Heights Metro Saturday a little after midnight, when we were attacked by two guys, who both had tasers. We had just crossed 15th on Columbia Rd when they tasered us from out of nowhere. I hit the…

Sticky Fingers will save the US economy, says Canadian news

You probably didn’t know that when you buy goodies at Sticky Fingers, you are saving the economy. The CBC, Canada’s major broadcaster, has a video segment about the US economy featuring Sticky Fingers and owner Doron Petersan. The main point is that profitable businesses expanding will help the economy. So, go buy lots of stuff…

Live blogging the trial of a 2008 Columbia Heights murder

Just got a note from the blogger at the Felony Calendars, a blog that tracks local criminal trials. A trial just started today of the murder of Stanley Daniels, who was killed in 2008 near The House strip club on Georgia Avenue, a few blocks south of the Georgia Ave-Petworth Metro. Here’s more on Daniels…

Local lingo: going up and down Columbia Heights

Here’s some linguistics for you. Something I’ve noticed on Twitter is that a lot of people say things like “up Columbia Heights” or “down Columbia Heights”: as in, they’re going up to or down to Columbia Heights. There’s a couple examples above from the last few hours. Not sure when people should use up instead…

Room 11’s second anniversary party today, Aug 10!

Room 11, the great neighborhood wine and cocktail spot at 11th and Lamont, is having their second anniversary party tonight. I love that place, sounds like a good time. Please join us at Room 11 for our second anniversary celebration Wednesday, August 10! Free Jamaican Punch from 5 to 7 for all and a free…

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