With the changes in populations around the district, there may be some redistricting of our Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, those elected bodies that advise the city council on local matters and also de facto control liquor licenses in their areas. Right now there are 4 ANCs, 1A-1D, with each having a number of single member districts (SMDs) which usually cover a few blocks. Your ANC SMD is on your voter registration card. The SMDs from each ANC come together and meet and discuss local issues.
There’s a few proposals out there, from shifting around current boundaries to adding a fifth ANC, which would be 1E. I kind of like the 1E idea, which would cover the Georgia Avenue area.
Here’s a website with more info and the various before and after maps, and there are meetings on the 22nd and 27th about the issue:
As part of the ANC Redistricting process, the Georgia Avenue Community Development Task Force is advocating for a new ANC 1E along the Lower Georgia Avenue corridor. Theproposed new ANC incorporates what is currently 1A08, 1A09, 1A10, 1B09, 1B10, 1B11 and 1B01. The ANC 1E map that was approved by the Task Force is at https://sites.google.com/site/pleasantplainsdc/task-force/Attachment_A-GACDTF_Proposed_ANC_1E.jpg and was sent to the Redistricting Committee in August.
The 2nd Ward 1 ANC Redistricting public meeting was held last Tuesday. A comprehensive set of notes written by Commissioner Brianne Nadeau are at http://briannekn.com/2011/09/14/ward-one-redistricting-update-the-chairmans-mark/ At this meeting, the Chair of the Committee, Alan Roth, proposed an unacceptable version of ANC 1E that had different boundaries and left out the southern end – LeDroit Park, including parts of Howard University. You can see the maps that were presented at www.ward1ancredistricting.shutterfly.com It includes both a four and a five ANC Ward.
The ANC Redistricting Committee is open to community feedback on these maps. There are two meetings coming up:
Thursday September 22nd at 6:30 pm at the Columbia Heights Youth Club, 1480 Girard Street, NW
Tuesday September 27th at 6:30 at the Columbia Heights Youth Club, 1480 Girard Street, NW
The committee wants to hear from the public at these meetings so please try and attend at least one of them. This process only happens once every 10 years and will be wrapped up by October 3rd so make sure the voice of Georgia Avenue is heard!